Yoga for Mobility

When it comes to yoga, a common misconception is that you need to be flexible to be able to do it. In reality, the only flexibility that is needed is in your mind to give it a try!  

Flexibility is a matter of how far joints can move, and mobility is a matter of how much control and strength there is when moving into and holding those positions. Stability is how much control over a movement there is.  

All 3 are worked with and improved with a consistent yoga practice, however, bringing the focus to mobility has been proven to aid:  

  • Greater range of motion. Increased flexibility makes it easier to move your joints in a normal direction with less effort.

  • Less muscle tension.

  • Better posture.

  • Less pain.

  • Lower risk of injuries.

  • Less stress.

  • Improved circulation.

We recommend our Tribal Energize class.  

Here’s a light routine that will help aid mobility in your body for you to practice at home.  


Learning how to Destress through Yoga